Hybrid work has created management
and responsiveness challenges:
- Endless meetings
- Communication overload
- Too many requests
The impact?
- Productivity suffers
- Communications get lost
- Requests take longer to fulfill
With AI that monitors your communications. Tasks, meetings, and deadlines in one place. Linked to your enterprise projects.
Tasks, meetings and deadlines in one place. Complete work-life management for you and your team in a single app.
Belt monitors your communications for requests from trusted contacts and suggests tasks for your to-do list.
Tag tasks, huddles, and meetings to associate them with projects and prospects. Use tags to power detailed reports and integrate with CRMs – all with enterprise-grade security!
Your End-of-day report supplies you with a virtual standup report and time tracking data. Export your activities for integration with time entry systems.
Never miss an important email again. Belt alerts you when you forget to respond to an email from an important contact.
With one click, generate information-rich retrospective and prospective reports on projects, staff, and activities, including availability and time spent.
Understand your capacity – and that of your team - when you’re scheduling or delegating work.
A complete process for managing multi person requests. Delegate tasks to others or raise your hand to say “I’m on it!” See who’s taking on what, and get automated follow-up reminders.
End your day by reviewing today’s activities - including tasks, meetings, and huddles - and reschedule anything left for another day.
Not everything has a deadline, but it all needs to get done. Belt allows you to plan by start date on a daily or weekly basis so that no task gets left behind. Let Belt be your tickler system so that nothing gets left undone.
With bespoke Microsoft 365 add-ins and a comprehensive suite of APIs to integrate with project management systems, CRMs and more, Belt fits in to your workflows, your way.
Boost client retention: Increasing customer retention by just 5% can boost revenues by 25-95%.
Faster response time: Over 60% of customers highly value quick resolution of issues, which improves client satisfaction and retention.
Be available: Businesses can grow revenues between 4% and 8% above their market when prioritizing better customer service experiences.
Clear communication: Frustration with unclear management guidance affects up to 30% of employees. Reduce it by centralizing communications.
Focus on what matters: Employees typically spend more than 30 hours per month in unproductive meetings, highlighting a significant chance to improve time management.
Boost productivity: Cutting meeting frequency by 40% can increase employee productivity by over 70%, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Reduce burnout: With 9 out of 10 workers experiencing burnout, effective workload management is essential to improve employee well-being.
Fewer distractions: Almost 70% of employees struggle to cope with distraction at work. Clear communication can help focus on important tasks and increase productivity.
Boost focus and productivity: Implementing better time management practices could sharpen focus for more than 8 out of 10 employees, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance.
Never miss a critical communication again.
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